2013 Qouleur Festival
08.16-23, 2013
Rats 9
Race, Sexualité et Cheveux
Race, Sexuality & Hair

Friday, August 16 to Friday, August 23
Qouleur Art Exhibit:
Race, Sexuality, and Hair
Rats 9 Gallery (#530, 372 Ste Catherine St. West)
Open daily 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. (closed Sun. Mon.)
Artists featured: Momoko Allard, Yvette Choy and nyx zierhut, Jérôme Havre, Pauline Johnson, Hideki Kawashima, kimura byol-nathalie lemoine, Elisha Lim, Zavé Martohardjono, Candace Mooers
Admission: Free (donations welcome)
Friday, August 16 (6 p.m. - 9 p.m.)
Qouleur Vernissage
Rats 9 Gallery (# 530, 372 Ste Catherine St. W.)
Friday, August 16 (7:30 p.m).
Live performance by Hideki Kawashima
Admission: Free (donations welcome)
Saturday, August 17 (4 p.m. to 6 p.m.)
* Unabashedly Queer Sexual Reclamation
Rats 9 Gallery (#530, 372 Ste Catherine St. W.)
Workshop on how to have good queer sex.
Facilitators: Dana ? and Seth ?[AW2]
In English. Whisper translation available in French. / Admission: Free (donations welcome)
Saturday, August 17 (8 p.m. to 10 p.m.)
* Brillance
Café l’Artère (7000 Av. du Parc)
A night of spoken word, slam poetry, and performance art featuring :
MCs: Lady Sin and Karine-Myrgianie Jean-François
English & French / Admission: PWYC (suggested price: $7)
Sunday, August 18 (8 p.m. to 3 a.m.)
Qouleur Qompilation Launch Party
Club Peopl (390 Notre-Dame W. entrance on Ste Hélène St.)
A concert and dance party to celebrate the release of the first-ever CD compilation featuring music solely by Two-Spirited and LGBTTQ First Nations and racialized people/people of colour in Montreal and beyond. Concert will feature hip hop, R&B, and Indie pop, rock, and folk by Athena Holmes, Charlie Rose, Dirty Boots, Hua Li, Kimberly Sunstrum, ManChyna, MC Jazz, Michael Perry, MLK RDDD, Sarah Bernard, Vanessa Dorvily, and Zara Ahmed, followed by DJ sets from Mark Vicente and The Salivation Army.
Emcees: Vanessa Dorvily and Kama La Mackerel
In English and French / Admission: $10 (purchase at the door)
Monday, August 19 (7 p.m. to 9 p.m.)
Talking about Race, Sexuality, and Colonialism
Rats 9 (#530, 372 Ste Catherine St. West)
A closed workshop for Two-Spirited and LGBTTQ First Nations people] .
Facilitators: TBA
English and French /Admission: Free (donations welcome)
Tuesday, August 20 (7 p.m. to 9 p.m.)
Self-Expression as Self-Recovery: A Workshop on Art and Healing for Queer People of Colour
Rats 9 (#530, 372 Ste Catherine St. West)
This closed workshop is a space for self-identified Two-Spirited and LGBTTQ First Nations and racialized people/people of colour to explore the healing power of art. The workshop is guided by queer of colour and women of colour feminist theories that help provide an understanding of how art constitutes an act of resistance and empowerment. Participants will explore how images and stories produced by, for, and about queer people of colour have the capacity to help them heal from multiple systems of oppression that have worked to silence and deny them access to their whole selves. Art produced by queer people of colour will be positioned as an act of resistance to this silencing.
Facilitator: Colleen Young
English. Whisper translation provided / Admission: Free (donations welcome)
Wednesday, August 21 (7 p.m. to 9 p.m.)
La langue, la race, et la sexualité
Rats 9 (Room 530, 372 rue Ste Catherine Ouest)
A closed workshop for Francophone and French-speaking Two-Spirited and LGBTTQ First Nations and racialized people/people of colour .
Facilitators: Rachel Jean-Pierre et André Ho
En français seulement / Admission: gratuit (donations)
Thursday, August 22 (7 p.m. to 9 p.m.)
Valerie Simon’s trans safe sex workshop
Rats 9 (Room 530, 372 Ste Catherine St. West)
A closed workshop for transgender, transsexual, and genderqueer racialized people/people of colour focusing on safe sex practices.
French. Whisper translation provided / Admission: Free (donations welcome)
Friday, August 23 (7 p.m. to 9 p.m.)
Artivism: Using Arts & Crafts for Social Change
Rats 9 (# 530, 372 Ste Catherine St. West)
A public discussion on using arts and crafts as a means of engaging with social justice causes and political and social movements, particularly in the form of anti-racist, anti-heterosexist, and anti-misogynist action, among others.
Panel: Wai-Yant Li, Pauline Johnson, Ala’a Jarban, kimura byol-nathalie lemoine.
French and English. Whisper translation provided /Admission: Free (donations welcome)